Three Simple UX Design Best Practices for your Product Design Agency

Three Simple UX Design Best Practices for Product Design

As a product design agency, it’s your job to get inside the user’s brain. You need to be able to predetermine what they want and need, and what will make them want your product over another. Keeping user experience (UX) top of mind throughout every stage of your product design will help you create a final product that people want. To set your product design agency off on the right foot, here are three best practices when it comes to UX to keep in mind.

Best UX Design Practices for Your Product Design Agency


Good design should be easy to digest, and it’s important for any leading product design agency to keep that in mind in the design process. The brain shouldn’t have to work overtime to figure out what the heck your product is and what it does. To make your product digestible you need to think of the clearest way for users to understand your product and to do this, you need to get inside the users’ brains.


You need to build trust with your users, and good design will help you do this because it naturally will be easy to trust. For example, if you were asking someone to complete an action without an explanation, it’s hard for the user to understand why it’s necessary. With your design, packaging, etc. make sure to be honest and clear to build trust with your consumer. By building trust, your product becomes easier and more enjoyable for the consumer to consistently use.

Cardinal Rule of any Product Design Agency: Honesty

A good product design agency understands that a user needs to be able to easily understand the value of the product itself, and that comes with being honest. When you’re unclear about your product, you aren’t going to win over consumers. Users won’t buy what you’re offering unless they know what it is they are paying for. A good rule of thumb is to explain things to your consumers the things you’d want to be explained to you! This way your consumer is clear on what you are offering and what your product can do for them.

About: MAKO Design + Invent is the original firm providing world-class consumer product development services tailored to startups, small manufacturers, and inventors. Simply put, we are the leading one-stop-shop for developing your physical product from idea to store shelves, all in a high-quality, cost-effective, and timely manner. We operate as one powerhouse 30-person product design team spread across 4 offices to serve you (Austin, Miami, San Francisco, & Toronto). We have full-stack in-house industrial designmechanical engineeringelectrical engineeringpatent referralprototyping, and manufacturing services. To assist our startup and inventor clients, in addition to above, we help with business strategy, product strategy, marketing, and sales/distribution for all consumer product categories. Also, our founder Kevin Mako hosts The Product Startup Podcast, the industry's leading hardware podcast. Check it out for tips, interviews, and best practices for hardware startups, inventors, and product developers. Click HERE to learn more about MAKO Design + Invent!

1 Comment

  1. Gervase

    2018-05-11 at 10:25 am

    Honesty most definitely is a cardinal rule. Not just in product design but in life in general


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