Build Your Product With Mako Design | MAKO Design + Invent

How MAKO Design + Invent Helps You Build Your Product as a Small Business

If you’ve been following MAKO Design + Invent or are familiar with the product development services we offer throughout North America, then you know that we uniquely tailor our services specifically toward small businesses and home inventors.

Curious about how we help our clients build their products and grow their small businesses? This blog will give you an exceptionally in-depth look at the product development process we execute at MAKO Design + Invent, as well as how our services are specifically beneficial for small businesses.

Looking to Build a Product?

If you’re a small business or home inventor looking to start a small business and have a product in mind, MAKO Design + Invent is the perfect place to go to help you build your product.

Unlike other firms who may listen to your idea and build your product regardless of its feasibility and potential impact to make a profit, MAKO Design + Invents first invites you to come in for a free consultation with our Senior Product strategist, Ryan Davidson.

The reason we always schedule a free consultation is that even though we are at the forefront of product development innovation, we believe in developing only the most carefully thought-out and high-quality products.

When we have our consultations with clients, in addition to listening to your idea, we offer immediate and comprehensive professional product advice, as well as insight into how your product will likely perform within your target market.

This first step in the product development process for small businesses is vital because we take the effort to understand not only your product but also your goals as an entrepreneur. Moreover, we offer various strategies for how your product idea can grow into a full-fledged business.

Additionally, an extremely important part of our consultation process is explaining the importance of an NDA and intellectual property to our clients so they can protect their ideas.

Why MAKO Design is the Best Firm to Build Your Product

After the initial consultation, we will comprehensively explain how our team will develop the design for, prototype, engineer, and build your product. We always send over a customized proposal that goes over both your product idea and the services we will complete to help make your product.

Further down the line, we will also schedule several consultations between our designers and engineers and yourself, so we can ensure that you are content with our progress and don’t have any additional considerations or ideas that we should take into account.

The importance of making the extra effort to set up additional meetings lies in MAKO Design + Invent’s commitment to establishing clear communication with our clients while helping to educate them on how their product will be expertly designed and more about the product design process itself.

In this way, not only do we deliver our high-quality services, but we also help to broaden our clients’ understanding of all aspects salient to product development. This could include how we will build your product, its components, the research we conduct, and how it will perform as a tangible product.

Our Product Development Process for Small Businesses

After our team fully understands your product and business goals, we immediately begin creating your product. This includes extensive research, sketching, concept design, 3D CAD rendering, electrical component and PCB development, prototyping and outsourcing the right materials to help build your product perfectly.

During the completion of these phases, our designers regularly update our office team, who will send over design updates, packages and reports about how your product is coming along the way. This is extremely helpful for small businesses. We always want our clients to feel that they are in the loop!

As a product development firm catering to startups and small businesses, we understand timing is extremely important. Through clear communication, as well as the provision of reports and design packages that let you see your product come to life, you can track the process of your product’s design and development while you plan the strategy and debut of your business.

After your product has been built and industriously refined, our team provides top recommendations for manufacturing partners, patent attorneys, marketing strategies, and distribution channels – leveraging our network of esteemed professionals – to ensure your product’s launch goes off without a hitch.

If you have a great new invention and you’d like to learn more about this process, get in touch with MAKO today, and we can set you up on a call with our product strategist!

About: MAKO Design + Invent is the original firm providing world-class consumer product development services tailored to startups, small manufacturers, and inventors. Simply put, we are the leading one-stop-shop for developing your physical product from idea to store shelves, all in a high-quality, cost-effective, and timely manner. We operate as one powerhouse 30-person product design team spread across 4 offices to serve you (Austin, Miami, San Francisco, & Toronto). We have full-stack in-house industrial designmechanical engineeringelectrical engineeringpatent referralprototyping, and manufacturing services. To assist our startup and inventor clients, in addition to above, we help with business strategy, product strategy, marketing, and sales/distribution for all consumer product categories. Also, our founder Kevin Mako hosts The Product Startup Podcast, the industry's leading hardware podcast. Check it out for tips, interviews, and best practices for hardware startups, inventors, and product developers. Click HERE to learn more about MAKO Design + Invent!

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