The Tri-Plunger, on CBC News! | MAKO Design + Invent

Mako’s Client, The Tri-Plunger, Featured on CBC News!

As a product development firm, Mako gets very excited every time we hear news of new innovations and inventions that come out into the market. We get even more excited when we see the work of our past clients reach new achievements and successes after its release and enter into major markets. In recent news, our past client Bob Ginther, has had his invention the Tri-Plunger reach numerous feats of success and is doing well in sales as well as public recognition. Bob and his invention the ‘Tri-Plunger’ have recently been featured in numerous media outlets, with the most recent one being CBC!

Bob Ginthers, The Tri-Plunger

The article on Bob gives detail on Bob’s history, highlighting where he came from and how through the frustrations of his past work, found that he kept running into the same problem. Bob realized that a lot of his clients would fall into a trap that would entail that regular plungers are not doing what people need them to do – work efficiently and solve the plumbing problems that people incur. To solve this, Bob decided to take matters into his own hands and come to Mako with the idea of creating a new type of plunger that will effectively unplug toilets. From this idea Mako helped Bob design the concept of the Tri-Plunger, including creating several prototypes and into production and manufacturing – we also helped him and his invention idea by providing as ales sheet for him for this products marketing,

Success of the Tri-Plunger

The article continues by talking about the success of the Tri-Plunger since it’s release. Since his product has come out Bob so far has sold his project himself through his own personal business with success, he also has his product in co-op stores. Since the release of his invention, he has thus far only received positive feedback how the viability of his product – it actually works and solves the problem that people have with round plungers that don’t do their job! His next goals for his product are to get them being sold at major Co-ops such as Canadian Tires.

We are proud to see all the achievements and success Bob has made with his product invention and wish him the best of success for the future of his products business. We look forward to hearing more great news from the ‘Tri-Plunger’!

Check out our past blog on Bob’s invention to learn more or the CBC article and video here!

If you have a great new invention and you’d like to learn more about this process, get in touch with MAKO here and visit our website to find out more. Feel free to give us a call at 1-888-MAKO and we can set you up on a call with our product analyst!

About: MAKO Design + Invent is the original firm providing world-class consumer product development services tailored to startups, small manufacturers, and inventors. Simply put, we are the leading one-stop-shop for developing your physical product from idea to store shelves, all in a high-quality, cost-effective, and timely manner. We operate as one powerhouse 30-person product design team spread across 4 offices to serve you (Austin, Miami, San Francisco, & Toronto). We have full-stack in-house industrial designmechanical engineeringelectrical engineeringpatent referralprototyping, and manufacturing services. To assist our startup and inventor clients, in addition to above, we help with business strategy, product strategy, marketing, and sales/distribution for all consumer product categories. Also, our founder Kevin Mako hosts The Product Startup Podcast, the industry's leading hardware podcast. Check it out for tips, interviews, and best practices for hardware startups, inventors, and product developers. Click HERE to learn more about MAKO Design + Invent!


  1. Wilson Ngo

    2019-08-14 at 9:36 pm

    How do I get in touch with Bob Ginthers, the inventor of Tri-plunger? I would like to inquire about the product.

    • MAKO Design + Invent

      2019-08-23 at 2:23 pm

      Hi Wilson,

      Thanks so much for your comment! The Tri-plungers will be available in Canadian Tire in less than a month, and Co-Op stores in west Canada by the end of the year. If you’d like to order yours directly, you can reach out to the inventor at: Cheers!


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